Aug 27Liked by Jacqui Wakelam @ TheBeagle

https://open.substack.com/pub/aimeeguest/p/home-is-a-place-of-belonging?r=gz38w&utm_medium=ios. This post reminded me of your recent dip back into theatre

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What a wonderful piece, thanks so much for sharing this Joni. I adore the art also, “That’s how I feel about God bringing theater back into my life, a part of me that had been orphaned now has a home.” Yes! X

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Sep 17Liked by Jacqui Wakelam @ TheBeagle

Hi Jacqui! I received a lovely card from you and would like to write back - where do I address it to ?

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Hi Joni, my address is in the first email I would have sent out to you when you first signed up titled Handwritten Revival. I’m glad it arrived safely X

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Aug 26Liked by Jacqui Wakelam @ TheBeagle

Jacqui! This is lovely. You are lovely. The collage is lovely. So proud of you for persevering through this journey both the doing the AW and MP but sharing your thoughts and encouragements with us. Love you muchly!

“You’re quite lovely, you know that? You’re sparkly and fun and have a deep creative heart.” ALL TRUE! 😘

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Thank you my dearest friend, I love you too! X

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Aug 24Liked by Jacqui Wakelam @ TheBeagle

How sweet that you get to spend time each week seeing the world through the eyes of a young child. I do miss that a bit. The collage is beautiful, and I need to buy that picture book.

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He really is a gift to my world 🩵

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Aug 24Liked by Jacqui Wakelam @ TheBeagle


I love the wall collage. How creative! The little boy that you look after is blessed to have you not only brighten his corner, but also brighten his life.

As a response to your Artist's Check-In I jotted a quick letter to my teenage self. Here is my unedited version.

"No comparisons! Your path is your path. Just because someone gets better grades, runs faster, looks more beautiful, has a more vibrant personality, performs without mistakes, or seems more talented doesn't mean that I haven't CHOSEN YOU, GIFTED YOU, or ORDAINED YOU to _________________. Perfection is not a matter of calling!"

Lots of love to you,


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Beautiful Susan, allow me to rewrite this?

"Comparison is the thief of joy, and such a waste of your energy dear girl. Your path is your path, God tailor made a path just for you! He doesn't care about the things that the world cares about, He doesn't measure you by the world's standards, you are perfection in His eyes - Chosen, Beloved, Uniquely YOU, sparkly, inventive, creative, bubbly, funny, so so smart, the biggest heart. If God had to pick a sport team He'd pick you because you'll always give 110%! If He needed a shoulder to lean on He'd come to you because you're tried and true, loyal to the end. If He wanted a trusted friend, your number would be on His speed dial. He loves you, don't ever forget that. Now get out there and go turn that light up!" 🫶🏻

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Aug 24Liked by Jacqui Wakelam @ TheBeagle

Thank you for the rewrite. I needed to hear those words of belonging.


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Aug 24Liked by Jacqui Wakelam @ TheBeagle

The prints on the wall came out wonderfully! congratulations on completing the course. I think you could only benefit from doing it again, right?

I have really enjoyed reading this series and will miss it :-)

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Thanks for your kind words Bethany 💫

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