Dear me. I've joined late. Not sure I'll get this one finished in time for the discussion, but I will try! I'm also on @sarahclarkson's Patreon and I just listened to her post on "The Scent of Water". She illumined many themes for me. I read that one last year.
Don’t worry if you haven’t finished by the April Zoom date you will still enjoy the time together and, you could always watch the replay later once you’re done to avoid spoilers too. Great to have you along!
Dear me. I've joined late. Not sure I'll get this one finished in time for the discussion, but I will try! I'm also on @sarahclarkson's Patreon and I just listened to her post on "The Scent of Water". She illumined many themes for me. I read that one last year.
Don’t worry if you haven’t finished by the April Zoom date you will still enjoy the time together and, you could always watch the replay later once you’re done to avoid spoilers too. Great to have you along!
Just begun Enchanted April on audible ♡.
I will try to join but I am not sure yet whether I can make it live. I love the book and your mothers comments!
I've already listened to it again and have some fresh thoughts. I've added that date and time to my calendar and will plan to join.
I look forward to hearing those thoughts Stephanie x